I've been thinking of a little old lady a good part of this key day in our history. She was being interviewed at an Obama Rally during the campaign. She was so excited because she honestly believed that Obama was going to pay for her mortgage and car payments.
She was ecstatic. I wonder how she's doing today? My guess is she'll wake up tomorrow thinking that she'll be able to go the Mayo Clinic should some illness befall her. She'll believe that President Obama will pay for it.
Actually, tomorrow morning will be just another Monday. The beginning of a work week, the news of course will all be about the "historic" vote tonight but as for health care "reform" that will be years away.
They have to find a way to pay for it, once they find out what it is they have to pay for. Yep, few if anyone in Washington knows what was passed this Sunday night.
Other than it will cost a Trillion Dollars and is guaranteed to lower the deficit. Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
The bill is one giant unknown, passed only by the House before signed by the President, likely on Tuesday. Then in a strange quirk, the Senate will have to deal with it after the President signs it into law.
The 32 million uninsured Americans tonight, will remain uninsured tomorrow and next year. Taxes are another thing. They start going up immediately if not sooner. A lot of you are about to find out you're rich,
Including that little old lady so excited about President Obama paying for her mortgage and car payments.
One Democratic Congressman was quick to point out that this is a Republic and he wasn't obligated to obey the will of the people. Technically he's right.
Morally he's wrong.
He'll be dealt with this November. Hopefully we'll still be allowed to vote. But don't take things for granted just because they've worked so well since 1776. Speaker Pelosi carried that giant gavel with glee tonight. I don't she wants to let it go.
Power is a narcotic, and a lot of people in Washington are flying high tonight.
Tea anyone?