Polls taken within a day or so of the passing of health care "reform" show just under 50% of Americans seem happy with the bill.
So is the glass half full or half empty? I think the big question is what's in the glass? Or in this case, the bill?
We still don't know.
We woke up Monday, the sun rose in the east and those of us with jobs went to work. There was no perceptable seismic shift in our lives. And there won't be because this bill is going to sneak up on us. Like a boogey man in the dark of night.
Frankly, what the polls really show is that we're just happy all the yelling and shouting, back-door deals and political shenanigans are over. For now. Yeah, the GOP is desperately trying to appear relevant and Nancy Pelosi's perpetual smile remains despite an approval rating of just 11%.
What the Democrats have going for them this fall is that no real changes will be in place under the new legislation until way into next year. Actually 2014. They also know that the GOP is rudderless, a party of old leaders and even older ideas.
There will be no repeal of this bill. Once a boulder starts rolling down hill, there's no stopping it.
About 2016 or so however, "Sticker shock" will start to set in. Taxes will go up, cleverly hidden as fees and other charges. That $250,000 bench mark will drop quickly and the middle class, again, will get the shaft. Any claims of "No new taxes" are lies. Let me say it again, LIES.
The $500 Billion taken from Medicare (Peter) to pay for Health Care (Paul) will have to be made up.
There is even talk about a Value Added Tax (VAT) more commonly known as a National Sales Tax. Likely in the range of 2-3%. Again, this will come around 2016. You can't spend a Trillion more dollars and expect the deficit to go down.
You know government spending won't go down so the money will have to come from somewhere, And it will be you and me.
So at least poll-wise, the glass is either half full or half empty. The big question again remains, what's in the glass?
No one really knows. When we do find out, it will be too late.
Tea anyone?