America seems to be moving on nicely after the passing of the Health Care Bill. A very few people said some very stupid things, and of course, our government acted just plain stupid. But life goes on.
But there are some troubling bits of "Fine Print" in the bill that trouble me, and should trouble you. It's all coming out in little dribs and drabs.
Like the hiring of 17-thousand new IRS Investigators. Who/what will they be investigating? Wouldn't it make more sense to hire caregivers instead?
What the heck was the College Loan Program doing in the bill? Out go private lenders and in comes just one lender. The government. From thousands of choices to just one. The reason it was included in the bill is to help pay for the health care bill.
The folks over at AT&T likely will take a $1 Billion non-cash charge for Q1, 2010. The company has a lot of retirees and when President Obama signed the bill, out went the tax deductions for many of the benefits the company paid to retirees. As many are Union Agreements, they can't take away the benefits so AT&T will have to make up the difference another way.
Keep an eye on your bill next time.
The newest bit of "Fine Print" is guaranteed care for children with previous conditions. But the language is fuzzy enough that may not be quite what was promised. Enough fuzziness to bring out the lawyers. Which costs money which ends up costing you and me.
And we've only just begun. Sure wish the people who voted for the bill, and the guy who signed it had actually read the darn thing first.
Tea anyone?