As the Tea Party Express makes its way to Washington DC in time for Tax Day, maybe it's time you meet Mr. and Mrs. Tea Party.
Doonesbury and liberal pundits aside, we're not a bunch of clown-like, foul-mouthed members of the "fringe" of society. We're the fabric of society.
We're executives, professionals, blue collar workers, college students, those unemployed or furloughed, you know, your next door neighbors.
We wear regular clothes, pay our taxes, our kids go to the same schools your kids go to. We obey the rules and try to make it through life under a growing crush of government rules and regulations.
We're not anti-government because we are the government. We just want those we thought we sent to Washington to represent our interests would actually do so.
We've been accused of racial slurs yet no actual tape or documentation exists of anyone saying that, although we do have tape of the Vice-President dropping the F-Bomb.
We don't promise what we can't deliver, unlike President Obama's promise to show all the Health Care Reform hearings, meetings and the like live on C-Span.
We don't conduct the people's business behind closed and locked doors. We go outside, yell and carry signs and simply ask that we want our government back.
What both the Democrats AND Republicans are about to find out this fall is that we represent Main Street USA.
They should come visit us sometime. We'll even serve tea!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thanks Doonesbury!
There's an old saying that there's no such thing as bad PR as long as they spell your name right and the comic strip "Doonesbury" might be providing a real boost to the Tea Party Movement.
First of all, I love Doonesbury. It's brilliant satire and creator Gary Trudeau is what free expression is all about.
Right now the theme of his strips center on the Tea Party. Generally Trudeau is making members look a tad "loony." Wearing weird costumes and the like. Check out the strip either in the Newspaper (if your town still has one) or online so you can see for yourself.
I don't think there is any doubt as to the left-wing leanings of both Trudeau and his gang of characters in Doonesbury. But he's never mean-spirited.
So don't get mad, be glad. He's satirizing the movement because it is a MOVEMENT and one to be reckoned with!
Thanks Gary!!
Come over for tea anytime!!
First of all, I love Doonesbury. It's brilliant satire and creator Gary Trudeau is what free expression is all about.
Right now the theme of his strips center on the Tea Party. Generally Trudeau is making members look a tad "loony." Wearing weird costumes and the like. Check out the strip either in the Newspaper (if your town still has one) or online so you can see for yourself.
I don't think there is any doubt as to the left-wing leanings of both Trudeau and his gang of characters in Doonesbury. But he's never mean-spirited.
So don't get mad, be glad. He's satirizing the movement because it is a MOVEMENT and one to be reckoned with!
Thanks Gary!!
Come over for tea anytime!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Give me Liberty AND the Fine Print
America seems to be moving on nicely after the passing of the Health Care Bill. A very few people said some very stupid things, and of course, our government acted just plain stupid. But life goes on.
But there are some troubling bits of "Fine Print" in the bill that trouble me, and should trouble you. It's all coming out in little dribs and drabs.
Like the hiring of 17-thousand new IRS Investigators. Who/what will they be investigating? Wouldn't it make more sense to hire caregivers instead?
What the heck was the College Loan Program doing in the bill? Out go private lenders and in comes just one lender. The government. From thousands of choices to just one. The reason it was included in the bill is to help pay for the health care bill.
The folks over at AT&T likely will take a $1 Billion non-cash charge for Q1, 2010. The company has a lot of retirees and when President Obama signed the bill, out went the tax deductions for many of the benefits the company paid to retirees. As many are Union Agreements, they can't take away the benefits so AT&T will have to make up the difference another way.
Keep an eye on your bill next time.
The newest bit of "Fine Print" is guaranteed care for children with previous conditions. But the language is fuzzy enough that may not be quite what was promised. Enough fuzziness to bring out the lawyers. Which costs money which ends up costing you and me.
And we've only just begun. Sure wish the people who voted for the bill, and the guy who signed it had actually read the darn thing first.
Tea anyone?
But there are some troubling bits of "Fine Print" in the bill that trouble me, and should trouble you. It's all coming out in little dribs and drabs.
Like the hiring of 17-thousand new IRS Investigators. Who/what will they be investigating? Wouldn't it make more sense to hire caregivers instead?
What the heck was the College Loan Program doing in the bill? Out go private lenders and in comes just one lender. The government. From thousands of choices to just one. The reason it was included in the bill is to help pay for the health care bill.
The folks over at AT&T likely will take a $1 Billion non-cash charge for Q1, 2010. The company has a lot of retirees and when President Obama signed the bill, out went the tax deductions for many of the benefits the company paid to retirees. As many are Union Agreements, they can't take away the benefits so AT&T will have to make up the difference another way.
Keep an eye on your bill next time.
The newest bit of "Fine Print" is guaranteed care for children with previous conditions. But the language is fuzzy enough that may not be quite what was promised. Enough fuzziness to bring out the lawyers. Which costs money which ends up costing you and me.
And we've only just begun. Sure wish the people who voted for the bill, and the guy who signed it had actually read the darn thing first.
Tea anyone?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Health Care Questions O' The Week.
What does hiring 15-17 thousand new IRS Investigators have to do with Health Care "Reform?" Who will they be investigating?
Why is a government take-over of the Student Loan Program in the "Reform Bill?" (College kids go from 2000 choices to 1 for student loans)
Actually, I know the answer. The interest the government will charge goes to pay for the Trillion Dollar cost.
Tea anyone?
Why is a government take-over of the Student Loan Program in the "Reform Bill?" (College kids go from 2000 choices to 1 for student loans)
Actually, I know the answer. The interest the government will charge goes to pay for the Trillion Dollar cost.
Tea anyone?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Cable News Race-By the Numbers
Audience as of Tues. March 23, 2010. Thanks to Drudge Report
FOXNEWS BECK 2,574,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,831,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,457,000
CNN COOPER 884,000
It appears there's FOX and "Not exactly."
Tea anyone?
FOXNEWS BECK 2,574,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 1,831,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,457,000
CNN COOPER 884,000
It appears there's FOX and "Not exactly."
Tea anyone?
Do as we say, not as we do.
First off, let's be clear that any physical threat made to anyone is simply unacceptable. It's immoral and it's illegal. Ditto for leaving expletive-laced phone messages anonymously. Got a point to make? Make it, have the courage to leave your name and number and move on.
For those of you stupid enough to post threats online, they can be tracked.
Ok, now for today's theme.
There is a lot of anger in the country right now, and while the huge majority of it is being expressed peaceably and with decorum, not all of it is. You can even yell politely.
It's ironic however, that the same people complaining about some the words thrown at them, are the same one's who drop F-Bombs at Bill-signings (VP Biden) or call people who protest at town halls, "Nazis" or "Brown Shirts" and the like. (Speaker Pelosi)
It's a "Do as we say, not as we do" mentality.
So let's all tone it down folks. We can agree to disagree. It's why the Founding Fathers created the 1st Amendment.
It's apparent our own "leaders" aren't willing to set an example, so let's begin with us forgotten folks who live along Main Street USA.
Tea anyone?
For those of you stupid enough to post threats online, they can be tracked.
Ok, now for today's theme.
There is a lot of anger in the country right now, and while the huge majority of it is being expressed peaceably and with decorum, not all of it is. You can even yell politely.
It's ironic however, that the same people complaining about some the words thrown at them, are the same one's who drop F-Bombs at Bill-signings (VP Biden) or call people who protest at town halls, "Nazis" or "Brown Shirts" and the like. (Speaker Pelosi)
It's a "Do as we say, not as we do" mentality.
So let's all tone it down folks. We can agree to disagree. It's why the Founding Fathers created the 1st Amendment.
It's apparent our own "leaders" aren't willing to set an example, so let's begin with us forgotten folks who live along Main Street USA.
Tea anyone?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Half Full or Half Empty?
Polls taken within a day or so of the passing of health care "reform" show just under 50% of Americans seem happy with the bill.
So is the glass half full or half empty? I think the big question is what's in the glass? Or in this case, the bill?
We still don't know.
We woke up Monday, the sun rose in the east and those of us with jobs went to work. There was no perceptable seismic shift in our lives. And there won't be because this bill is going to sneak up on us. Like a boogey man in the dark of night.
Frankly, what the polls really show is that we're just happy all the yelling and shouting, back-door deals and political shenanigans are over. For now. Yeah, the GOP is desperately trying to appear relevant and Nancy Pelosi's perpetual smile remains despite an approval rating of just 11%.
What the Democrats have going for them this fall is that no real changes will be in place under the new legislation until way into next year. Actually 2014. They also know that the GOP is rudderless, a party of old leaders and even older ideas.
There will be no repeal of this bill. Once a boulder starts rolling down hill, there's no stopping it.
About 2016 or so however, "Sticker shock" will start to set in. Taxes will go up, cleverly hidden as fees and other charges. That $250,000 bench mark will drop quickly and the middle class, again, will get the shaft. Any claims of "No new taxes" are lies. Let me say it again, LIES.
The $500 Billion taken from Medicare (Peter) to pay for Health Care (Paul) will have to be made up.
There is even talk about a Value Added Tax (VAT) more commonly known as a National Sales Tax. Likely in the range of 2-3%. Again, this will come around 2016. You can't spend a Trillion more dollars and expect the deficit to go down.
You know government spending won't go down so the money will have to come from somewhere, And it will be you and me.
So at least poll-wise, the glass is either half full or half empty. The big question again remains, what's in the glass?
No one really knows. When we do find out, it will be too late.
Tea anyone?
So is the glass half full or half empty? I think the big question is what's in the glass? Or in this case, the bill?
We still don't know.
We woke up Monday, the sun rose in the east and those of us with jobs went to work. There was no perceptable seismic shift in our lives. And there won't be because this bill is going to sneak up on us. Like a boogey man in the dark of night.
Frankly, what the polls really show is that we're just happy all the yelling and shouting, back-door deals and political shenanigans are over. For now. Yeah, the GOP is desperately trying to appear relevant and Nancy Pelosi's perpetual smile remains despite an approval rating of just 11%.
What the Democrats have going for them this fall is that no real changes will be in place under the new legislation until way into next year. Actually 2014. They also know that the GOP is rudderless, a party of old leaders and even older ideas.
There will be no repeal of this bill. Once a boulder starts rolling down hill, there's no stopping it.
About 2016 or so however, "Sticker shock" will start to set in. Taxes will go up, cleverly hidden as fees and other charges. That $250,000 bench mark will drop quickly and the middle class, again, will get the shaft. Any claims of "No new taxes" are lies. Let me say it again, LIES.
The $500 Billion taken from Medicare (Peter) to pay for Health Care (Paul) will have to be made up.
There is even talk about a Value Added Tax (VAT) more commonly known as a National Sales Tax. Likely in the range of 2-3%. Again, this will come around 2016. You can't spend a Trillion more dollars and expect the deficit to go down.
You know government spending won't go down so the money will have to come from somewhere, And it will be you and me.
So at least poll-wise, the glass is either half full or half empty. The big question again remains, what's in the glass?
No one really knows. When we do find out, it will be too late.
Tea anyone?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Checks and Balances
The Founding Fathers of this nation were a pretty smart bunch. They developed a system of checks and balances in government by creating three branches.
The whole point being that if one or even two branches abused their power, the third could jump in and try and equal things out.
We're seeing that right now. The Executive and Legislative Branches enacted legislation, behind closed doors that clearly the majority of the nation didn't want.
Now you're seeing a growing list of State Attorneys General filing suit to challenge at least elements of the legislation they deem unconstitutional.
The Executive thumbed its nose at the Judicial Branch during the State of the Union Address. Payback can be a bee-otch.
Tea anyone?
The whole point being that if one or even two branches abused their power, the third could jump in and try and equal things out.
We're seeing that right now. The Executive and Legislative Branches enacted legislation, behind closed doors that clearly the majority of the nation didn't want.
Now you're seeing a growing list of State Attorneys General filing suit to challenge at least elements of the legislation they deem unconstitutional.
The Executive thumbed its nose at the Judicial Branch during the State of the Union Address. Payback can be a bee-otch.
Tea anyone?
Agents and Calories
I write this as the President is just hours away from signing the new health care bill. Curious that among the first items to get action will be:
1. Hiring 16-17 thousand new IRS agents. And this improves the health care system how? These new jobs are to "monitor" things. Monitor what? Maybe you and me? Might it make more sense to hire 16-17 thousand health care professionals? You know, doctors and nurses and stuff?
2. Restaurants will now have to publish the calories of each foot item on their menus. I don't know about you but I already know that double-bacon cheeseburger is likely full of calories. But all this means added expense for the restaurants, and this expense of course will be passed on to customers.
Just some of the "meaningful reform" coming our way.
Tea anyone?
1. Hiring 16-17 thousand new IRS agents. And this improves the health care system how? These new jobs are to "monitor" things. Monitor what? Maybe you and me? Might it make more sense to hire 16-17 thousand health care professionals? You know, doctors and nurses and stuff?
2. Restaurants will now have to publish the calories of each foot item on their menus. I don't know about you but I already know that double-bacon cheeseburger is likely full of calories. But all this means added expense for the restaurants, and this expense of course will be passed on to customers.
Just some of the "meaningful reform" coming our way.
Tea anyone?
Monday, March 22, 2010
Colorado AG Challenges Healthcare Legislation
Colorado AG John Suthers joins at least 10 other states in legal challenges to health care legislation that while passed, might not pass legal scrutiny.
Well over 30 states are expected to eventually challenge the bill.
AG's tend to do things people in Congress don't.
Read the bill!
Tea anyone?
Well over 30 states are expected to eventually challenge the bill.
AG's tend to do things people in Congress don't.
Read the bill!
Tea anyone?
Agree with Rep. Bart Stupac or not, this is not the way to win the fight for what's right.
Let's continue to set the bar high, it's what separates us from the riff-raff of Washington.
Let's continue to set the bar high, it's what separates us from the riff-raff of Washington.
The fault is not in our stars dear Brutus, but with us.
We didn't wake up communists or socialists this morning. We still don't even have a bill. Very few have read it, but once the President signs it, plenty will have to.
The devil isn't in the bill itself, as much as the process which likely will be challenged by dozens of state Attorneys General.
Job 1 for Democrats is to make this thing work. Job 1 for the Republicans, is to come up with better alternatives.
I doubt either are up to the challenge.
Job 1 for us, is to stop being complacent and get more actively involved in the overall process.
Tea anyone?
The devil isn't in the bill itself, as much as the process which likely will be challenged by dozens of state Attorneys General.
Job 1 for Democrats is to make this thing work. Job 1 for the Republicans, is to come up with better alternatives.
I doubt either are up to the challenge.
Job 1 for us, is to stop being complacent and get more actively involved in the overall process.
Tea anyone?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thinking about the little old lady.
I've been thinking of a little old lady a good part of this key day in our history. She was being interviewed at an Obama Rally during the campaign. She was so excited because she honestly believed that Obama was going to pay for her mortgage and car payments.
She was ecstatic. I wonder how she's doing today? My guess is she'll wake up tomorrow thinking that she'll be able to go the Mayo Clinic should some illness befall her. She'll believe that President Obama will pay for it.
Actually, tomorrow morning will be just another Monday. The beginning of a work week, the news of course will all be about the "historic" vote tonight but as for health care "reform" that will be years away.
They have to find a way to pay for it, once they find out what it is they have to pay for. Yep, few if anyone in Washington knows what was passed this Sunday night.
Other than it will cost a Trillion Dollars and is guaranteed to lower the deficit. Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
The bill is one giant unknown, passed only by the House before signed by the President, likely on Tuesday. Then in a strange quirk, the Senate will have to deal with it after the President signs it into law.
The 32 million uninsured Americans tonight, will remain uninsured tomorrow and next year. Taxes are another thing. They start going up immediately if not sooner. A lot of you are about to find out you're rich,
Including that little old lady so excited about President Obama paying for her mortgage and car payments.
One Democratic Congressman was quick to point out that this is a Republic and he wasn't obligated to obey the will of the people. Technically he's right.
Morally he's wrong.
He'll be dealt with this November. Hopefully we'll still be allowed to vote. But don't take things for granted just because they've worked so well since 1776. Speaker Pelosi carried that giant gavel with glee tonight. I don't she wants to let it go.
Power is a narcotic, and a lot of people in Washington are flying high tonight.
Tea anyone?
She was ecstatic. I wonder how she's doing today? My guess is she'll wake up tomorrow thinking that she'll be able to go the Mayo Clinic should some illness befall her. She'll believe that President Obama will pay for it.
Actually, tomorrow morning will be just another Monday. The beginning of a work week, the news of course will all be about the "historic" vote tonight but as for health care "reform" that will be years away.
They have to find a way to pay for it, once they find out what it is they have to pay for. Yep, few if anyone in Washington knows what was passed this Sunday night.
Other than it will cost a Trillion Dollars and is guaranteed to lower the deficit. Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
The bill is one giant unknown, passed only by the House before signed by the President, likely on Tuesday. Then in a strange quirk, the Senate will have to deal with it after the President signs it into law.
The 32 million uninsured Americans tonight, will remain uninsured tomorrow and next year. Taxes are another thing. They start going up immediately if not sooner. A lot of you are about to find out you're rich,
Including that little old lady so excited about President Obama paying for her mortgage and car payments.
One Democratic Congressman was quick to point out that this is a Republic and he wasn't obligated to obey the will of the people. Technically he's right.
Morally he's wrong.
He'll be dealt with this November. Hopefully we'll still be allowed to vote. But don't take things for granted just because they've worked so well since 1776. Speaker Pelosi carried that giant gavel with glee tonight. I don't she wants to let it go.
Power is a narcotic, and a lot of people in Washington are flying high tonight.
Tea anyone?
No room for hate in the debate
I watched one report claiming a few people were cursing and hurling racial slurs at member of Congress as they entered the Capitol yesterday and today. Let's not spoil the barrel folks.
None of this is confirmed, I've heard no actual sound, but visually at least, you can tell people are very angry at Congress. So am I.
But there is no room for hate in the debate. No one bit.
Congress has lost its way, and has sunk to lows that the Founding Fathers would find as repugnant as I do.
But it's now up to us to set the bar for responsibility, accountability and civility. Otherwise we are no better than those that have lost touch with us.
Be vocal, speak up, but keep it civil. We will win out. Let's start today.
None of this is confirmed, I've heard no actual sound, but visually at least, you can tell people are very angry at Congress. So am I.
But there is no room for hate in the debate. No one bit.
Congress has lost its way, and has sunk to lows that the Founding Fathers would find as repugnant as I do.
But it's now up to us to set the bar for responsibility, accountability and civility. Otherwise we are no better than those that have lost touch with us.
Be vocal, speak up, but keep it civil. We will win out. Let's start today.
Engagement? Divorce better option.
I heard on one of the morning news shows this morning that Americans are "engaged" like never before in the health care debate.
Therein lies the problem. They are indeed engaged, but the majority (not all) of the people elected to represent them in Washington are not engaged with their constituents. Divorce is a better option come November.
An historic vote today will prove that. We're about to find out what's inside the legislative bottle wrapped in acrimony, dissent and mis-information. Inside will be a most monstrous genie.
There were so many areas of agreement. Help for those deserving folks without access to healthcare, the ability for companies to purchase healthcare for their employees across state lines to get the best coverage for the best price, preventing people from being turned down for existing conditions and the list goes on.
So there might be some good in with a lot of bad, not the least of which is the lie that somehow spending a Trillion Dollars will lower the deficit. So many lies. And like in any relationship, lies destroy it. D-I-V-O-R-C-E...the disconnect between government and the people becomes final today.
It's going to be one messy divorce.
Therein lies the problem. They are indeed engaged, but the majority (not all) of the people elected to represent them in Washington are not engaged with their constituents. Divorce is a better option come November.
An historic vote today will prove that. We're about to find out what's inside the legislative bottle wrapped in acrimony, dissent and mis-information. Inside will be a most monstrous genie.
There were so many areas of agreement. Help for those deserving folks without access to healthcare, the ability for companies to purchase healthcare for their employees across state lines to get the best coverage for the best price, preventing people from being turned down for existing conditions and the list goes on.
So there might be some good in with a lot of bad, not the least of which is the lie that somehow spending a Trillion Dollars will lower the deficit. So many lies. And like in any relationship, lies destroy it. D-I-V-O-R-C-E...the disconnect between government and the people becomes final today.
It's going to be one messy divorce.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Simpson announces for Governor of Wyoming!
A 3rd generation of the Simpson Family stands tall for Wyoming.
Edward R. Murrow on Freedom.
This is worth reading. Especially by Nancy Pelosi.
"If we confuse dissent with disloyalty — if we deny the right of the individual to be wrong, unpopular, eccentric or unorthodox — if we deny the essence of racial equality then hundreds of millions in Asia and Africa who are shopping about for a new allegiance will conclude that we are concerned to defend a myth and our present privileged status. Every act that denies or limits the freedom of the individual in this country costs us the ... confidence of men and women who aspire to that freedom and independence of which we speak and for which our ancestors fought."-Edward R. Murrow
"If we confuse dissent with disloyalty — if we deny the right of the individual to be wrong, unpopular, eccentric or unorthodox — if we deny the essence of racial equality then hundreds of millions in Asia and Africa who are shopping about for a new allegiance will conclude that we are concerned to defend a myth and our present privileged status. Every act that denies or limits the freedom of the individual in this country costs us the ... confidence of men and women who aspire to that freedom and independence of which we speak and for which our ancestors fought."-Edward R. Murrow
A new spot for just one member of the Tea Party Movement to express my First Amendment Views. Our nation is at risk, our liberties could soon vanish. I will alert you to those who will try this and offer peaceful and constitutional ways to fight back for our freedoms!
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