President Obama this week announced a "Major Expansion" of off-short oil and gas development. The plan was carefully written so not to make his liberal eco-base angry, and at the same time appease those of us who prefer using our own energy sources instead of buying oil from Hugo Chavez.
He achieved neither.
First of all the plan is not about drilling. Just exploration and only along the East Coast. As Senator Mark Begich (D) Alaska said, “It’s not a perfect deal, but it’s better than nothing,” adding that there is no provision for the states to share in the revenues from lease sales and royalties. “It helps move us down the path.” More like a long and winding road.
Meanwhile we have approximately One Gazillion Barrels (Gazillion is the new Trillion) of proven and recoverable oil resources up in Alaska's Arctic National Refuge. (ANWR) No need to explore. Just drill baby.
To his credit the President is going to spend money on Nuclear Power but still hasn't addressed coal, another hugely abundant source of energy.
So, it's pretty much news conferences but little in the way of action.
So the next time you fill up, or turn up the thermostat, remember that while we have the energy resources here at home, we're instead paying cold hard cash for it to the very same people who want to destroy us.
Texas Tea Anyone? Sure beats smoke and mirrors.